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Cleaver Fulton Rankin achieve ISO 22301 certification

Cleaver Fulton Rankin achieve ISO 22301 certification

Established in 1893, Cleaver Fulton Rankin is a leading commercial law firm in Northern Ireland, providing a full legal service to both commercial and individual private clients. In addition to their Legal Professionals, their commercial law firm includes Marketing, HR, IT, Accounting professionals, and business support teams. They each play a key strategic role in the development of Cleaver Fulton Rankin’s services and the growth of the business.

Why ISO 22301?

With growth in mind, Cleaver Fulton Rankin recognised the benefits that implementing ISO 22301 (Business Continuity Management Standard) would bring. Certification to ISO standards is often a requirement in tender selection criteria and allows organisations to demonstrate to their current and potential clients that they operate their business in compliance with internationally recognised standards.

ISO 22301 helps to identify risk to their organisation and put in place controls to ensure minimal impact. It helps businesses have a proactive approach in planning for risk of disruptive incidents and enabling rapid operational recovery.

The process of implementation

Cleaver Fulton Rankin decided to appoint Quadra to assist with the project based on their well-established reputation for helping organisations to achieve certification to ISO standards.

What did Quadra do?

Quadra met with the staff to understand the business unit and analyse their existing business processes and measure them against the requirements of ISO 22301, Business Continuity Management Standard. An action plan was then created to provide Cleaver Fulton Rankin with an effective roadmap to achieve ISO 22301. Quadra developed a Business Continuity Management System to satisfy the requirements of ISO 22301 and to reflect the operational requirements of the business and met with staff to raise awareness of the system requirements and assist in embedding the standards throughout the company. Following guidance through an implementation period, Quadra carried out a full internal audit of the system across the organisation to access and ensure Cleaver Fulton Rankin were ready for certification and carried out a management review in assessing the system prior to external audit.

What was the outcome?

Following the two stages of external audit, Cleaver Fulton Rankin were recommended for ISO 22301 The Business Continuity Management System certification. Achieving certification was of huge importance to all involved in standardising the business continuity management processes throughout Cleaver Fulton Rankin, at an internationally recognised level.

What did the client say?

"Cleaver Fulton Rankin engaged Quadra to guide us through ISO 22301:2019 certification. The Quadra approach was thorough and effective with time taken to fully understand our business. They helped us to identify areas of focus and offered guidance on the implementation of existing controls that we had to align with the standard. We found Quadra an absolute pleasure to work with, their commitment and professionalism was great, and we would refer them to our clients and suppliers who wish to achieve certification.” Paul Rickerby. Information Technology Manager. Cleaver Fulton Rankin.

Need more information?

For further information on ISO 22301 Business Continutiy Management Standard or to arrange a call for your organisation please contact us.

Telephone: +44 28 9042 3222

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Business Continuity ManagementISO 22301